Marquis Coates, M.P.A.

Founder & CEO

Book Overviews

About the Book:


Tools For Success: A Young Woman's Guide To Professional Development provides a very practical guide for young women, to teach them how to develop as a professional in their Look, Language and conduct in formal Locations. The lessons taught in these chapters will guide any young woman to success, who may or may not know what she should wear for a job interview, how she should speak in professional arenas or what it means to conduct herself professionally in the workplace.


Every young woman who is in the workplace, going on job interviews or simply wants tips on how to become a young professional should read this book! Marquis Coates & W. Sonya Bryant-Lockett have collaborated to write a book that addresses a major need amongst our young women today; the need for PROFESSIONALISM!


About the Book:


Tools For Success: A Young Man's Guide To Professional Development provides a very practical guide for young men, to teach them   how to develop as a professional in their Look, Language and conduct in formal Locations. The lessons taught in these chapters will guide any young man to success, who may or may not know what he should wear for a job interview, how he should speak in professional arenas or what it means to conduct himself professionally in the workplace.


This is definitely a must-read for any young man learning to change from his street clothes to a business suit. Marquis Coates has written a book that addresses a major need amongst our young men today; the need for PROFESSIONALISM!


Book Review:


"Tools For Success: A Young Man's Guide to Professional Development is definitely a book with a message. Marquis clearly informs ever young man that they possess the power to be professional and this theme transcends throughout the entire text. This book will serve as a professional blueprint for every young man; I know you will enjoy it!"


~ Dr. Wesley T. Proctor

Youth Pastor & Executive Administrator

Victory Christian Center







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